To maintain moisture , do not need to use the atomizer machine , DAK build or pond water . At home swallow adequately equipped minimalist bowl or bucket of water . Juanda , for example , uses 25 buckets placed on the floor . Yet little humidity in the house much influenced outdoor environment. Even the presence of a pile of dirt in the room alone swallow can increase humidity . Impurities that must be diligently cleaned so that the air inside the
building is kept clean , healthy , and ammonia gas does not contaminate
the nest color .
BisnisProblem building materials , can be selected according to taste . Bardiansyah using a wall of brick and cement . The floors are made of boards , not concrete , because waletnya house standing on the kitchen . While Juanda uses material from meranti wood good for walls , floors and lagurnya . ' Because of low cost , capital could be back after 2 harvests a nest , "said Juanda . ( Tri Susanti & Arief Budiman Drs , consultants swallow in Kendal , Central Java )SOUNDS MORE COULD his voice . That piece SENTENCE SOUND TECH BRAND TELEVISION bazooka FEW YEARS AGO . EXPRESSIONS THAT REPRESENT PAS swallow HOUSE TWEETER NEW FINDINGS THAT CAN TRANSMIT SOUND FAR : TWEETER bazooka .Tweeter
cannon shaped like a tube that starts to peep Collocalia fuciphaga
breeders in the homeland as Pontianak , West Kalimantan , and Surabaya ,
East Java . Any breeders in Malaysia and Vietnam . The cause of this new tweeter in addition to functioning swallow fishing is also environmentally friendly . No disturbing noises around the house the residents of saliva gold .Conventional tweeter -type funnel allegedly caused quite a disturbance . Three
years ago in the center of swallow in Sedayu , Gresik , East Java , a
group of people to go to a house swiftlet sound tweeter due
uninterruptedly throughout the day . '
They were interrupted because of the sound of the tweeter funnel spread
to residential areas , "said Ubaidullah Thohir , swallow practitioners
in Gresik . Lucky this problem can be resolved peacefully . That would not happen if using a bazooka tweeter .long-distanceTweeter bazooka sound not only focus to one point , but also can emit sound more distant echoes . Conventional tweeters reach a distance of approximately 100 m . ' It could even be shorter , only 50 m , if obstructed buildings in
the center like a swallow swallow Sedayu , ' Ubaidullah said .Tweeter bazooka made by modifying a conventional tweeter muzzle . '
If the tweeter modified snout is longer , and the lower the frequency
the longer the sound waves so that the sound can be heard even further ,
"said Hary K Nugroho , consultants swallow in Kelapa Gading , North
Jakarta . Not only that , the excess tweeter has a bazooka to 100 watts of power ; Conventional power 1 watt tweeter . That means the power of a bazooka tweeter is much higher , reaching areas as far as 500-1,000 m .
Obat pembesar Penis VimaxAlthough the sound is more focused , but need careful installation of the tweeter bazooka . ' Do not get the wrong target , "said Harry . To invite swallow , tweeters
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