Thursday, April 24, 2014

Monday Morning October 22, 2012

Monday Morning October 22, 2012, three visits Rekanita FRENCH citizen belonging to the IHS (Indonesian Heritage Society), assisted by Miss Yuli SUSTAINABLE (second from left) to Garden Center Pilot Cassava Manggu NUSANTARA in Kp BEDOGOL (Babakan Kencana), Village Objects , Cicurug Sukabumi - West Java, they get a detailed explanation about the process of gathering Agen Casino Online and sorting seeds from Mr. Andi Manggu Cassava Cassava brother. (Far left)

Harvesting Cassava Manggu Young Age 7 months with PT. COMMERCIAL BUSINESS FILIPI PEACE - Bandung, from left to right: Mr. Rudi Setiawan Harli, Mr. Jimmy Leonard, Mr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnain (Trustees KSU - Agrocassava Archipelago).

Harvesting Cassava Manggu Young age 7 months to SUPPLY I like to plant chips in Ciluar - Bogor

Signing of MOU between PT. COMMERCIAL BUSINESS FILIPI PEACE with KSU - Agrocassava archipelago for Business Development and MANGGU Cassava Cultivation in the archipelago has been carried out on Thursday afternoon date. July 5th, 2012 at Paskal Hyper Square - BANDUNG (from left to right: Mr. Andi brother Cassava, Mr. Ferry, Mr. Ir. Iskandar Zulkarnain and Mr. Rudi Setiawan Harli)

We always put the SORT (Selection) on cassava BREEDING MANGGU which will be sent to the customer.

We treat BREEDING SINGKONG MANGGU Well and Be careful especially when the vehicle is being loaded into Goods Transport Services in order to maintain qual
Agen Judi Onlineity and quality is to remain in a state of Whole and Fresh.

Working Visit / review of court by Mr. Isman (Adi) from LG - KALTIM in connection with the opening of the land area of ​​300 hectares in East Kalimantan and the surrounding area for Expanding Program of Cassava Farming with Team Agrocassava Manggu SOLID archipelago under the coordination of Mr. Andi brother Cassava which program is implemented by the System CLUSTER involving local communities and Farmers will implement System TRIO-OPTIMAL and of course using Cassava Seed Manggu type proven choice SUPERIOR WELL throughout NUSANTARA result.

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